We are delighted  to inform you about  4th OMAR International OMAR Turkish Music Summer School that has been scheduled fort the 11 – 16 September 2017.

  Our summer school that is carried out  by Istanbul University and supported by many important Turkish music  artists. It  is a certificate program and it is unique organisation for our country regarding the Turkish music. Our aim is supporting  the musicians and music researchers  as they develop them selves about Turkish music in practical and theorical  way. Fort he purpose of that we determine a theme for each year.

  The theme of this year is Transposition/ Modulation.  Every classes and seminars will be harmonised by the book and CD,  entitled as  Modulations and melodic movements in Turkish Music  that was written by well known Turkish music artist  Erol Deran.  This work will be published  by Pan Publishing co  under the supervision of the OMAR on September 2017  .  Additionally, master Erol Deran will give some  seminars  about modulation  and  different  perspectives in Turkish music and other music styles  during the summer school.

  In order to participate, applicants must send a video that is 2 – 3 minutes long and includes their taqsim (improvisation style in Turkish music) performance to our e mail address ( by 4th August . This performance must include modulations from the one maqam to another. This modulation can be made on one of two maqams that are listed as follows:

For Classical Kemanche, Oud, Nay, Qanun, Tanbour

1.From Segah to Acemaşiran

2.From Suzidil to Uşşak

3.From Hicaz to Rast

4.From Rast to Nişaburek

5.From Acemaşiran toYegah

For Percussion :

Playing  all usuls (Rythmic circle in Turkish music) that ¨Neva Kar¨ includes. (Applicants must  play each usul respectively and without  any discontinuation.)

Deadline for sending records: 4th August 2017 by 5 pm.

Promulgation of the list of accepted applicants: 15th August 2017.

Making contact with attendants and  detection of ultimate list: 1 September 2017

Adress:  Mirgün Köşkü Emirgan-İstanbul / TÜRKİYE

For detailed  information  you can visit our web page. You can send your all questions via our mail address.(

Staffs for sending contacts and detailed information.

Mesude Şahin – Hülya Yalçın

Phone: 0090 212 2774087

Thank you for your interest in our summer school.  Finally, we want to indicate that we  wait your short  CV. (in Word format) with your record.

Organisation Board

Yard. Doç. Dr. Hikmet TOKER - Yard. Doç. Dr. Bilen IŞIKTAŞ - Ar. Gör. Nağme YARKIN